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Okay just reporting a miner bug. 

Beware! Spoilage ahoy! 

Now that I have finished the game and seen the ending, though didn't take the option of finding out what has happened to jack, I cannot buy anymore jerks, I've clicked on the jerk cans, I have over 6000 space rings, and nothing is happening, yet if the Derek's stats go as nuts in the later battles as I expect they will I will probably need more jerks as well as upgrading power. 

Am I missing something? or is this a bug, since there is no explanation, and if it is intended to stop players buying more jerks, then why does the final dungeon turn up whe it does? 

I hope that I am missing something and that this isn't broken, especially because I rather enjoy seeing what new jerks turn up, and now that makes space rings yet another useless resource.b

Hey Dark.

So the reason why you can't buy anymore jerks is that you have more than 50 which is the new limit for the squad.
So you just need to remove some jerks from your squad to be able to buy more :)
A message is meant to be displayed in the description text of the jerk club if you hit the 50 cap, but it might not be working correctly yet