Hey, incredible game, enjoyed every moment of it, especially for the fetish content. I would like to also report some bugs for the paid PC version (haven't played all the way through on mobile yet). I am happy to report the PC version is very stable and does not crash for me, but the bugs below impact the ability to conversations and finishing the story due to missing dialogue displays.
Not a bug, but having the unlocked outfits carry through to your new games is pretty awesome.
The weight in KGS vs LBS resets back to "kgs" when you change maps, or rest. Sometimes, I think, when you speak to Stacy for conversation. Going into the settings menu and back out fixes it, but it's a little tedious for anyone who prefers to view their character's weight in pounds versus kilos and it's reset back to kilos.
Talking to Brittany after beating her in the eating contest has no dialogue. You can still click through to progress the conversation, but both the dialogue box and text do not show. She has no alternate outfit that works as a workaround, unlike Arabella. (edit as I type: Rachel in her alternate outfit may be a fix)
Talking to Arabella after meeting the Founder doesn't show dialogue (when outside of her room) unless you have her alternative outfit on. Happens on all occasions you speak with her post-Founder meeting. (edit as I type: it seems it fails when the devil is not in her alternate outfit? Or if Rachel is in an alternate skin. One of the two, further testing needed.)
Any conversations with the Founder (I think there's 3?) after you confront her about her deal with the devil, have no dialogue either. One *possible* work around is having the devil without her alternate skin but Rachel in hers. Otherwise, just have to click through to the end of each conversation. Initial meeting, asking about the food addiction, and confrontation all work fine.
2nd through 4th meeting with the Devil only, the camera is panned upwards like she's still tall. 4th is hit or miss, but consistent on the 3rd conversation when she tries to tempt you a 2nd time.
When Rachel is walking around and feeding her is unlocked, she's at her original size. Her final dialogue iirc, is also missing, unless she is in her alternate outfit.
I think that covers all of them. So yeah, nothing making the game crash or freeze, which is insane (positive) as a solo dev, so well done!
Hope you do a bug release! If you ever want a QA tester, if it helps, send me a message on BlueSky. No pressure, just letting you know the offer is there.
Congratulations on a great game!