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A member registered Feb 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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it might be because you have play protect on. Turn it off and restart the phone

Sorry but I have no idea what might cause this. One possibility is that your file is corrupted and you jut have to redownload it. But that's the only thing that I can think of.

Did you run the MyProject3.exe? What did the error say?

I added you on discord

I added you on discord

That's basically the end for now.  I'd say that this is over half of the full story.  Also in the full version, you'd be able to adjust the proportions to your liking.

Probably, I'm not sure

(1 edit)


Thank you  so much for this comprehensive feedback, it truly helps the game. I have to say that your drawing looks AMAZING!!! I never expected anyone to make fanart of my game! Thank you! 

The burping is going to be way more dynamic. She will make noises in the next update. Stomach growling is something I've wanted to add aswell.

Adding numerical value to the food is a good idea. Tbh even I don't currently know how much each food actually gives you.

The missing bubble is a bug I'm already aware of. It comes because after the inflation minigame is over, it removes all the UI on the screen including the bubbles. I'll probably fix it at some point.

I've already reworked the UI (not released though). I think it's a bit cleaner and the locks look more interactable.

I'll remove the spam click on the minigame.

I'm planning on making the max limit even bigger. I've already made the corresponding stomach widgets.

Although the current plan is that you're able to push your limits with bloat pills and drinks, which also have 4 different sizes

The NPCs are also going to be feedable, that's when you can force them to eat as much as physically possible. They're also going to have little randomized dialogues when stuffing.

Random encounters for stuffing is quite an interesting idea. But I wouldn't even know how to pull it off without it getting tedious after a while. Either way, some kind of a random event might actually be interesting. Or making the NPCs just walk around might make the world feel more alive.

I've changed up the scaling area. Now you're able to lock the stats wherever you want. Might break the story because it's about gaining weight over time. But in general I feel like making proportions customizable is what's best for the game. (you're finally going to be able to have huge tits! Yaaay!) 

The devil isn't going to stay that size in the full game. I just kinda rushed the version out and didn't really bother to change her back.

I have no idea what might cause your error.

The double Arabella thing is sth I've overlooked.

That's a good thing you pointed out how most of the games here are unfinished. It's something I've noticed too but I totally understand why it happens, it's so hard to not add these new ideas in. My game is already ten times the size I planned. I really hope to just finish the game.

Again, thank you for taking the time and for drawing this awesome fanart! That is really cool of you, I love it so much! How long did it take?


The buttons on the right are meant to move you to specific locations. 

No. Don't know that much about it. probably takes a lot of work to maintain it.

Yeah, it was more meant to show before and after. If it's about breast size, then I'll add it as an option in the full version.

Thank you. 

I probably could do something about the breasts if people dont mind clipping. I'm not gonna make any promises though

I'm currently working on burps, they're gonna get a huge improvement. Having soda in the game is a great idea. I somehow still don't have any drinks in the game. Would be a great addition alongside with bloating.

Belly rubs as a minigame is a great idea. Currently there's no variety.

You have to interact with every character before you can go to bed. I can make the mouse movement toggleable

Yeah, that's a shame. That's the consequence of not limiting the morph 


Thank you so much for this thorough feedback

I think that I can't make the inflation game harder. I'm pretty sure that most people aren't as good as you at this, probably removing the spam click option might even things out but even that will be an unpopular descision. I've wanted to give players agency. Right now they can choose how big to get her belly. If I take that away, the game would become less dynamic.

I see why one deafult hair is bad. I think that a better option is to give the player a choice between 3 deafult ones. 

Just remembered that a long time ago I wanted to add different skin colors too. Somehow nobody has asked for it and I've completely forgotten that. That's probably gonna be in a new update.

Replay option could be nice.


1) weight bonus comes from the weight multiplied by the amount you've packaged

2) I've just recently thought about that when I tried the latest Chub Chomp Chill. My game feels way more rigid. So there are plans to make the player more dynamic. I haven't quite figured out what specific to do but belly rubs would be a great start.

3) I had no plans for it. But you just got my mind going, it would be so cool to go outside. With your missions idea the possibilities are endless. Although the game is already way bigger than I initially planned. The original idea was about only one player in one room playing minigames and the only interaction was between you and the player. But 6 characters is already more than enough for me to handle. Even they don't have much depth so I wouldn't want to add some more shallow characters.

4) I'm not sure if I could make them interesting enough. If the mission is just some proceduraly generated task about just doing sth 10 times it wouldn't be very interesting. Although some easter egg hunt might work with a bigger world mabye. idk

5) I guess so. But I just want to release the full game without any additional updates.

6) Thank you for asking. Right now I am pretty overwhelmed with university, work and bunch of other stuff. And making this game is not helping. I just hope that one day it will all be worth it.


The choice you make from the coinflip doesn't actually matter. It only determines what animation to play when you won. Sometimes true randmomness doesn't seem random.

I gotta say that this game gets out of control really fast and you got really lucky.

I'm aware of the purchase bug, its gonna be fixed next update

Thank you so much! Most of the descisions are made by my own tastes, so if a lot of the comments are just about the bugs, it's hard to see if they like the other stuff.

So thank you again for taking your time. I really need this feedback.

It's gonna be possible on the full version

you need to interact with every character before you can go to sleep. Although I'm not sure what problem you have with the breast size

Thanks, I think that I can make the burp frequency a slider so you decide yourself how much you want it

1) That is a bug that I think is fixed now

2) Can do

3) I know that it looks bad, but it was the easiest solution without having to adjust the animation. I was just lazy

4) Can do

4again) Actually I've simulated the game and most of the times it ended up with a huge profit. I've nudged the odds a little in your favor. Luckily if you don't like it then you can totally ignore it without affecting rest of the game.

5) I think I'm gonna keep it the way it is for now, you don't have to keep her stuffed. Most of the belly grows from the minigame and not stuffing.

6,7) Thanks, I'm glad you like it

Fixed it

Right now it is. But I'm trying to fix it. There's an update coming soon


I'm sorry to hear that. I think that your high framerate plays a huge role on this. I'll look further into this and I hope that I can fix it

Yea, it's supposed to be outside of the game. Just to show how far you've gotten

I'm not sure. I don't really have a good technical knowledge


Can you elaborate on what you mean by more interactivity? I'm open to any ideas that I can manage to do.

Yeah the sorting game is a bit problematic for PC. The original idea was for this game to be mobile only.  So I will make changes to this at some point, I don't know when though.

I'll see what I can do about the movementT

he game is not finished so there will be more dialogue. It just takes a lot of time. 

Although I'm glad you want more dialogue. I'm not that good of a writer so I was really worried at first that people might not like it.

currently you cant

haha, omg. I'll keep that one in mind. You should wait for the full release

Thanks alot. I fixed the bugs

I know the drag game doesn't trsnslate well to PC so right now i gave you more time and you get more money from it. Not a perfect solution but good enough for now.

The max isnt enough??

It's somewhere between stacy and the inflation minigame

Yep, that's not supposed to happen. I hope it's a one off thing though

I'll assume you unzipped the file. Then there is one theory I have is that you pressed the middle mouse button, which for testing purposes deleted the save. I frogot to leave it in and I just removed that feature.

Oh I was actually planning to make the clothes unlockable, but I didn't get to that point. But I wanted to keep deafult clothes at the start of the game so that over time you can get more clothes

Wait, I haven't recived any messages on discord, are you sure you got the right guy?

You can write it here or my discord name is gaingame if you want it there

Oh Right, I don't know why I haven't made a hourglass figure yet.

The sound effects are actually quite smple to implement.

I'll see what to do about the NPCs

I don't wanna deal with social media, it takes time to manage and the progress updates here are already a bit overwhelming. I just wanna make a game.

Sorry, I havent updated the pc version


Thank you so much for your thorough feedback. It helps me alot to improve the game. I'm happy that you like the changes I've made. All of them are based on my personal preference so it's good to know I can rely on my instinct.

The ass can actually already go absurdly big but I wanna hold back the max potenital so there's something to look forward to on the full release. Although I let you guys go nuts on the belly size just for the most hardcore players.

One thing I am not ever going to do is different body types. It is such a huge pain in the ass to make clothes that don't clip with any animation or any belly size or any ass size. I will never be able to completely get rid of clipping. the body type would just give me another variable to worry about. I am sorry.

Although I might add another NPC so out of curiosity, what kind of body type you feel like is underrepresented here? If you can give me some examples, I might work it into the game.

The shop is nice but it's still missing couple of features like buying in bulk and actually seeing how much stuff you have.

I'll probably remove the drag and drop for the PC beacause at the end of the day I want what's best for the experience.


1. Yes I need to add the audio. I've just been too lazy to do it. 

You're not the first person to ask for burps. I guess I can add them, wouldn't be too difficult, but by deafult they will be turned off. Just asking though, should the burps and farts be random or is it somehow related to feeding?

2. That sound really niche. I don't even know where to find the no-copyright sound effect.

3. Glad you asked that. I haven't planned for it (I mean they are already pretty big). But the fat[ter] version of each character already exists. I made them for fun without even planning to use them. I don't know how I'm even going to fit the big ones into the map if they already fill up most of the screen.

I have BIG plans for The Founder so you don't have to worry about that.

Thanks again for your feedback.