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The game has some quirks, the UI for the potholes, for example. You don't even need to assign a worker and the pothole will start fixing itself. Also if the pothole is a large one, and you want to assign 3 workers, you select the first one, select the second one, select the third one, the second one gets deselected automatically so you have to select the second one again and then click "assign". And sometimes when I select a smaller hole, the lights for the workers are already lit up, clicking on the "assign" button doesn't decrease the available workers count.
But you did a pretty good job nevertheless, the visuals look really professionally done :)
Keep it up!


Thanks for the details on the bugs. We found a few of them as well. The assign tab and process have some issues. Sorry for that. 
We are planning to update it after the rating ends, probably come back later! Thanks for the kind words.