The options menu scrolls with the scroll bar automatically downwards. Hard to see options because of that when changing the default resolution. I don't see why I have to press control to select something that could be a movement key when the number keys already exist, I wish control wasn't used as the default, Q would be better. Since moving my finger down there gets tiresome every time I want to switch, and this game is about switching on the fly. I had to change it and having it as Q with the rest being the number keys is so much better. It really should be the default with how much better it is to use once changing it around. keyboard shortcut support too would be nice for certain combos. Tutorial needs respawn checkpoints. Also a way to skip the tutorial when accidently killing yourself, which falls in line with checkpoints for the tutorial. Maybe showing visually that you are in the mixing menu outside after selecting something would be a nice touch too.
The game, outside of the default controls being bad, is decent and fun. Needs more music. It is a fun game. I don't have anything else to add about bugs I could, since the other post talked about it already. The only major thing is the default controls is just awful. Once I changed it, I had a much better time overall. I think with some polishing, this will be very good.