i'm not sure what you mean?
During a maid play-through is fully possible to have mat not only be denied of all possible spies that they could "trust", but also to win the "third challenge" (Ramen loses) making it "logically" impossible for them to become a king by the rules given.
(because they are not marked and they have no one to transform them (unless "Mable" counts for that goal.)
Quick question: When is a bug fix found in a free version fixed? Is is fixed in that version (no significant wait), is it found fixed when the paid version becomes free (one month wait) or is it fixed on the version in development (two month wait)?
Also. Fel doesn't seem to give any influence during challenge 3 despite implying they do as of the present free version. But i am not quite sure.
Thanks for the answer and your time very much.
The Fel thing is about choosing them during challenge 3 (hall) and asking them the right questions implies that you are given some influence just before they leave, but the number never (seems to) change.
The only thing on the challenge 2 (rope) i have seen is that Lew counts as the "second" individual in crossing the rope if Ree is hypnotized to cross with. Which can make you lose on some influence.