I absolutely * had * to purchase the full version of this game as soon as I ripped through the demo! I don't think I quite have the eloquence to express just how incredible I find the dynamic between our sordid trio, so I'm just going to say wowzers and perhaps yippeee!!
But no um. Gosh. I've read my fair share of yandere x yandere fiction but yandere x yandere x yandere has truly been a delight. I ruined my sleep schedule tearing through this one, hehe. The clashing personalities, the individual delusions, the mutual obsession... it's was so poignant and delicious!! I'm so happy I came across this story. My sincerest thanks for sharing this chaotic adventure with us.
Also, I think one of my favourite moments was definitely Lev summoning his patron to officiate their wedding.... The audacity of that man! Love him.