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Definitely one of the most original interpretations of the theme I've seen yet, and as a narrative oriented experience I enjoyed it quite a lot, and I appreciate the replayability value.
I liked the general humour and meta jokes in particular, the writing was very good all throughout, the audio comportment the game relies on is impeccable and the person voicing the narrator did a very good job, and together with the writing really helped making the personality of the narrating character come across.
I've found the art direction quite pleasant looking and consistent, and the set dressing for the level to be quite well done.

If I'd have to point out flaws in this product:
- I'll probably criticise how the main mechanic feels "weird" as I'd find myself holding left click while moving my mouse over a word several times before it would finally be absorbed,
- and I had a couple of audio glitches: once the narrator kept repeating a line about flowers in loop until I reached the next location, and when I restarted the game from the end screen the narrator kept playing his end game audio while also playing the game start audio at the same time.