I know the game is long done, but having played well... hours of it, I do have a few suggestions to make it so people may want to finish it (because of as of now, the randomness of inventory stat increasers can truly be a buzzkill).
I wish I could sell items (and the amount of them I want to part with). There needs to be an extremely expensive item that could only improve a stat up to like 15 points(to keep it somewhat fair), not randomize it's value, that way if you truly only want to go up in the progression, you have to grind for it (which to be fair, in order to beat the final challenge you kinda have to, but it's no where near guaranteed as things are, which kinda turns one off from ever beating the game).
Other than that, I legit like the game a lot, hence the hours and hours of it played, but I just can't seem to beat that final level with that huge damage increase. I'd keep the damage increase as is, just wish I could power myself up reliably to match it. To feel like I truly did accomplish something, and not got lucky after god knows how many tries as it currently stands.
Edit: Just beat it, but woo boy did i have to work at getting the buffs right on my loadout, a lot of resetting the game to eventually get there. And how much of my progress it saved was a bit inconsistent.