Thank you for your kind words! I'm genuinely surprised this game is making the rounds again!
To clarify a few things! This isn't my first game, but rather one I made for a game jam that only allowed for 1000 words and nothing more! :) I made this simply to be fun and silly. I know a lot of folks want more story but this was only meant to be a short contained scene as going over 1k words would mean I would've been disqualified from the game jam.
The DLC is in a similar vein as well, as it was meant for a silly 3k word extra scene for my community to enjoy during valentines day! We kept the scope to a strict 3k as well, nothing more mainly due to our workloads.
It means a lot that so many folks want to know more about Zach, but unfortunately, he's more a character I use to get small scenes out rather one that I'll be using in a fleshed-out game. I don't recommend players going into this expecting a lot of lore or anything so I also made sure to put little notes about that where I could to tell folks that this is just a scene picked out of a story, not a full game with proper worldbuilding!
If you're looking for something with a lot more lore and story, I would recommend my other game "He's Just Away" in which I established a full story and not just a self contained scene.