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(3 edits) (+1)

Really nice game!! Loved how you recycled the Tetris idea into a new concept, it was very innovative!!

The graphics are very colorful and alive, it suitted well with the gameplay music and the game style.

The musics and SFX are also very cool.

The gameplay is good! I just got some problems with the auto-correct of the cursor after creating a hole. Sometimes it took me to a wrong place and hindered me.

I think that the pieces comes to fast. I had a lot of trouble in the beginning trying to understand how to create the holes and create them in time. It would be nice if the "A" level has slower velocity.

It's a great game, I had a lot of fun with it!! I think it would be cool to play it with a mouse, or perhaps in an smartphone.

Congratulations for the game!!


glad you loved it. Regarding the jumping of cursor. I am aware of that. I am using unity raycasting physics. The camera is perspective view so it is catching the lower portion of other cube. It would happen only on edges of the map.