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This looks like it has the potential to be an interesting game, but with only a week to develop it, I think there's a lot of potential interesting features missing, so it got very repetitive.
Was the idea to have lots of different things happening on the different levels?  I was hoping that was the case, but it was just condensers on the levels I visited.

Also, on the Linux build, the text for the floating UI elements was doubled up and made them difficult to read.


Thank you! Indeed, had planned on putting in more resources than water, and environmental storytelling about the lost crew, but had to boil it down to the single thing to make it work at all as time was running out. ): Did you download the Linux build before I made the page pretty and provided the separate links in the description? That should be fixed there I think, because it is on macOS and web (the two platforms I've been able to test so far), so unless it's some Linux-specific issue… c: