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Deleted 88 days ago

It's an issue with the game maker the company used. Renpy isn't exactly the best to use. Their competitor game had the same problem on the main menu and the developer of that title said there was nothing they could do. 


Was that a thing that was known before? And does that mean everyone is experiencing this problem? Because I sure didn't know and wouldn't back a game that's impossible to play in this state.

ah, sry to hear that, it sucks :/ I've written an e-mail and so far they asked for my GPU and specs. Let's see what else they have to say. I'll update if anything changes. Did you guys find a solution yet?

I'm having the same problem with the lag now, only it's worse since my game completely crashes.

Hi, Cookie! I hope you have the same issue as me then, since I fixed it! The game might not run properly with your graphics card. Do you have 2 graphics card? Is one of them NVIDIA?

Thank you for the help and advice! I currently use a Lenovo Ideapad 320 that has an Intel HD 520 graphics card.

Seems I fixed the problem! I just had to update the video driver.

Nice! Glad it worked out :)