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You need to hold left click on the soul for about a second. Sorry, I'll make this clearer in the future!

(2 edits)

Thanks, that worked, and I think I've done everything there is to do in the demo now.  This is really a great game already, having tons more than many "full-release" games, and it manages that while being fairly unique in several ways and yet not being too obtuse.  I still feel I should offer some criticism, though (these are all minor points, but they're the biggest critiques I have):

The recipe to transmute "Slow (Combo)" needs three of "Slow" (Spell), which doesn't appear to be in the game.  The shop also directly offers this Combo unlike offering the spell components for the other transmutable Combos, so I'm guessing the shop entry is an error.

I've been everywhere on the map, gotten crowns on all enemies that I've run into, and have completed all transmutations (except for "Slow (Combo)" as mentioned above) other than Tea Set, and still haven't found a single Tea Plate.  (To be clear, none of the enemies I've run into have any undiscovered drops where it could be, either.)  I've also grinded out a couple dozen Shapes battles and have only seen drops that can also be gotten from tickling your characters when they're sad under water.  I've even switched to the blue tile just in case that was secretly relevant, and also captured a sad soul, and nothing.  This seems like another error/dead-end.

Having the characters and stage move in the exact same direction when moving North as when moving East is disorienting, and the same for the Southward movements being identical to the Westward ones.  My feeling is that it would be better for this to illustrate clearly/unambiguously even if it led to it looking worse aesthetically.  This actually becomes a problem for navigating in those circumstances where clicking on elements in the scene leads to moving to another screen (as opposed to using the navigational buttons).

The settings screen doesn't have audio controls... and I'm not sure where else they are in the game tbh.

I also have a few other comments:

It isn't entirely clear to me whether this is intended to be an erotic game or not.  Yes, it is named after and features an aesthetic element of a sexual fetish, but nowhere in the game is there any real nudity, sexual acts, or even suggestive language or poses by characters.  This is not a complaint or a criticism, I'm just noting the dissonance and I'm thinking some may feel mislead if the game will stay this way but continue to feature a sexual fetish in both its title and teaser animations.

It's really annoying to continue to be forced to fight random encounters with enemies that you've already "crowned" when you're trying to get a random encounter with another that spawns in the same area (especially when you're farming the other enemy's rare drop).  It would be nice, once you've crowned an enemy, to be able to craft something from their drops that lets you repel a random encounter of theirs that appears rather than have to fight it for it to go away, so that you can avoid maybe half of them over the long term.

There are a lot of items in this game that you receive before you know what they're useful for, which means the game is trying to tell you to hoard different sorts of items.  At the same time, both your personal inventory and the storage are limited, which means you're constantly having to clear out an entire type of item.  I feel that this implicit contradiction does nothing but detract from the game.  At the very least, I feel there should be some way to expand the storage.  (Might I suggest an interesting mechanic would be that you upgrade/"amplify" the storage, alchemy, and shop attendants in a way similar to how you do with the playable characters.)

edit: I just realized I hadn't been playing the most-up-to-date version, so if any of these issues have already been addressed, my apologies for the redundancy.


Thanks for taking the time to write this! I'll do my best to answer everything.

Ah damn, I thought for sure I had finally ironed out every mistake of that kind... I'll update the Slow spell thing ASAP.

If I remember correctly, the Tea Plate Recipe is hidden somewhere in 2 bottom rows of Sablee Ocean 1F. Here is a walkthrough in case you want to check if you missed anything:

Yeah, even I gets disoriented sometimes, it's a bit of a problem. I recommend looking at the map a lot in this demo (which also needs to be reworked a bit to appear bigger). Maybe I could keep the same animation, but have a large arrow pointing to the direction you're moving toward fly across the screen on top of it? I think this would help. Thank you!

Audio settings have yet to be implemented, they didn't seem overly necessary for the demo so I left them out for now.

The game does have some erotic elements, but I don't plan on adding nudity. As far as erotism goes, it's pretty much in the same vein as Omega Labyrinth/Senran Kagura/Dungeon Travelers. A future trailer will help make it clear what kind of game this is, I believe.

I agree! I plan to add a way to instantly destroy encounters if your level is high enough, as well as a usable item with the same effect. I also want an item to prevent either shape fights or normal fights to appear while you stay in the same floor. I also have something planned that will make it easier to farm a specific monster.

There will be ways to increase both your inventory size and the storage size. I also plan to have a way to send items to storage from anywhere under some conditions. I've considered amplifying the attendants, but sadly my current conclusion is that it would require too much work... But who knows, maybe.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions and criticiques! I really appreciate it ^^

(1 edit)

Alright, I was able ot find the button in the newest version (the 15 01 version has the kelp and shard in front of it both the same color, making it really difficult to see).  Also the "Slow" in the shop is the correct one in the up-to-date version already, so that also was fine.  Thanks again for making such a great game.

Yeah I updated it real quick yesterday.

I'm happy to know you enjoyed it! A lot of work still needs to be put into it for the final version ^^