I understand that I may choose which location I wish to go on every turn right? I think that isn't very clear in the rules, specially on how to start. Maybe you could include a text like "choose a location to explore...". 'Cause locations have dice numbers, but I think I'll only roll when I get a rumor.
Use more verbs like "choose", "roll". Instructing the player more objectively you know? Like "choose a location" then "roll a d6 for the correspondent location", and so on...
I think the modifiers I get when finding a clue are cumulative right? I got a little confused there when it's said +2 is the maximum. Maybe this text on clue modifiers could be reviewed for a clearer understanding. But I think I got it.
The layout is pretty cool and simple, I like it, specially it's a 4 page game! I love small games with less rules. I suggest to put the wizard on the left side, before the text. Also since it's a 4 page game with pages split in half, you could arrange everything to be printed in a A5 booklet, for that, page 1 will need an adjustment, the other pages only need to have each half page transformed into one single page. Then we'll get an 8 page A5 booklet, that sounds very cool to me who likes to print my games (I don't like playing this kind of game on screen).
Maybe you could make different tables for NPCs and for Rumors, after all, who tells the rumors? I think it's another NPC. It's a little confusing to have 2 different things in the same table, also because they are in interspersed results.
I like dice rolling with tables games, but I think I miss a little of agency here. You know, everything is on "dice hands", you don't control anything. Maybe if the wizard (the player) could have some actions to change game course things could be more interesting. After all the character is a wizard, I think he/she knows some tricks (maybe enchant an NPC or something).
I think that's it for now! Great work you did here! All my suggestions are with good intention. All the best with your game creation!
I just added it to my recommendations list in my page.