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Well, the main issue I was having is I kept trying to fling Washy into the air only to have the mouse let go sooner than I was expecting and have him plummet into the spikes, I'd recommend having a set amount of time that stays consistent that you're allowed to hold washy however brief, that allows the player to plan their clicks around when around when the time is going to run out instead of having to rely on the mercy of RNG and it doesn't ruin the challenge because if they mistime it, or misclick, they will lose, so I think that'd be a good place to start. :)


thanks! yea its a good idea,  ill change it as you proposing.

I fell to the know trap of any developer - you play test your 
game so much during development that by the time you get to small balancing and tweaking 
you become a master and it seems "too easy" then you make it too hard to the new 
first time player.. it happens to me every time, EVERY TIME.. 
one of the reasons play testing are so important.

fun fact- at start I made the timeout for about 1.5 seconds than I got afraid that its to easy to move Washy around and started to cut
the time down, until I got to around 300ms in the final version :/

Thanks your feedback is valuable as gold for this game and my next ones :)
so highly appreciate it