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Hey there I thought I would let you know where I'm at. I have been searching and trying many things and so far nothing. I really thought I had something just now but for some reason it isn't working and I thought I would run it by you to see if you had any thoughts about why it wouldn't be working.

So I add the 2 hander as equippable by a dual wield class. Then I add this to the weapon.

<Custom Equip Requirement Condition>

if (user.isDualWield()) {

condition = false;

} else {

condition = true;


</Custom Equip Requirement Condition>

That works to block the 2 hander correctly but then it still removes the item in slot 3.  where as if I allowed the dual wield class to equip the 2 hander they would equip it and the slot 3 item stays in place. But I don't want the dual wield to be able to use the 2 hander of course. 

I'm getting to where I am kind of at a loss here and have no idea how to come up with a fix after everything I've tried. 

Ok so a possible fix donned on me and it worked. And it was pretty simple overall. I removed the equipment restriction on 2 handers and made them their own weapon type. I'm probably lucky I was able to go this route with the complexity of my game and not mess anything up. I am so happy to have this fixed now the system is just one step away from being perfect.=) I just hope now that the sub class optimizing issue is a simple fix.

A huge, huge thanks from me for all your help with all of this bud, I couldn't have done it without you.


So, after looking into the problem, the issue I found causing it means that it probably never worked to begin with. Which is weird, because I was sure I tested that feature when I added it.

Anyways, it's fixed now. You can download v1.71 from the download page and see the underlying cause of the problem here.