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oh it's not inspired on Alice or the horror Alice games : )
it's something completely different and it's not an extreme horror game. It is only horror themed. some parts might be creepy to some people. When I started I thought of Alice meets Resident Evil but threw it overboard very quickly. only the blue dress stayed. if I changed the colour to green or something, it would be 0% Alice : p


Okay, interesting... But I hope you don't blame for having that game springing to mind.
Okay, so when we say horror, it's just to cause some creepy mood, but not really to give me a fright... Now that sounds even more interesting. ;)

yes, so it's not exactly creepy or hae blood and gore, just eerie atmosphere. a bit weird and funny at some points. : )

Perfect... I have a full schedule now, but I'll give this a try as soon as I have the time ;)