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Yeah I figured it was probably just incompatible but I was hoping=). I tried the plugin above and below the yanfly equipment ones and no luck. I normally keep the optimize plugin near the bottom of the order, I am kind of wondering if it should be higher on the list now.

I use Yanfly equip core, this plugin is well bellow it. For the classes you have to have the dual wield tag and then something like

<Equip Slot: 1, 1, 3, > a shield slot would look like

<Equip Slot: 1, 2, 3,> or <Equip Slot: 1, 1, 2, 3,>. Not sure which but I tried both. If I use <Equip Slot: 1, 3, > then the second dual wield slot can accept either weapons or the buckler which is armor. If I use any of the other tags The 2nd and 3rd slots are both armor only.

Is it meant to be that you can't dual wield two weapons and a shield? If so I was just understanding it wrong and  <Equip Slot: 1, 3, > works as intended.

And yeah with the optimize on class change issue, in the normal equip window you can only select the correct weapon types and optimize works properly from that window, just not from the class change window.


I have uploaded a new version of this plugin that should correct this issue.

This plugin wasn't using the same exact function as the optimize command on the equip scene, due to them being in different scenes, and my general lack of experience at the time. I'd managed to get it to optimize equipments using the actor function, which was a small part of the optimize command, but it ignored anything added to that command by other plugins.

Now I have gone in and made this plugin use the exact same function that the equip scene uses when you use the optimize command there. That should make changes made to the optimize command by other plugins carry through to this one, and should make the two different functions identical. Hopefully fixing your optimize issue.

As for your shield thing, dual wielding two weapons and also a shield is not something that is technically supported by this plugin. A dual wield actor has two weapon slots <1,1, armor slots> and I have modified the second weapon slot to also allow type 2, so it's effectively <1, 1/2, armor slots>. If you use equip core to give your characters an extra shield slot, a normal actor would have <1, 2, 2, armor slots> and a dual wield one would have <1, 1/2, 2 armor slots>, causing both types to be able to wield two shields.

However, and I haven't tried this myself, so I can't guarantee it won't cause other problems, lines 1453-1455 are the check that includes shields in the offhand weapon slot as equippable items. So you could comment out those lines and dual wield actors would no longer be able to wield a shield in their offhand slot. This would allow you to put in a shield slot for dual wield actors without allowing them to have two shields. You'd have to find a way to only apply it to the dual wielding actors though, as if non dual wield actors also have this extra shield slot, they will still be able to wield two shields.

Also, if you're using my shield block plugin, you're gonna run into some problems with it actually detecting the shield for blocking, as it checks the offhand slot exclusively for the shield.

Thanks for the update=). There is a problem though. It does work now on class change but if you use the optimize in the equip window the game locks up with no error code. Sorry to bring you another problem.

As for the dual wield and shield thing that isn't that big of a deal at all. I think it would be best not to mess with the code. Thanks for setting me straight on how that works I was a little off with my understanding. 


Revision A is now live which fixes the softlock on the equip scene. An extra function I'd added in for the class scene was also happening on the equip scene, causing the command window to be deactivated.

In the process of fixing this, I also noticed that the optimize command in the equip scene doesn't seem to properly detect monkeygripping weapons, preferring to equip no weapon in the offhand, and a one-handed offhand weapon over a two-handed weapon with higher attack. I guess I'll have to fix that too while I'm at it.

Perfection.=) You're amazing bud, thanks for getting it all squared away the plugin works perfectly now. I don't use monkey grip myself so that part doesn't affect me.