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Thanks for the update=). There is a problem though. It does work now on class change but if you use the optimize in the equip window the game locks up with no error code. Sorry to bring you another problem.

As for the dual wield and shield thing that isn't that big of a deal at all. I think it would be best not to mess with the code. Thanks for setting me straight on how that works I was a little off with my understanding. 


Revision A is now live which fixes the softlock on the equip scene. An extra function I'd added in for the class scene was also happening on the equip scene, causing the command window to be deactivated.

In the process of fixing this, I also noticed that the optimize command in the equip scene doesn't seem to properly detect monkeygripping weapons, preferring to equip no weapon in the offhand, and a one-handed offhand weapon over a two-handed weapon with higher attack. I guess I'll have to fix that too while I'm at it.

Perfection.=) You're amazing bud, thanks for getting it all squared away the plugin works perfectly now. I don't use monkey grip myself so that part doesn't affect me.