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:3 thank you for sharing yours experiences, XD I love to learn about others cultures and traditions,  from where I'm  we don't celebrate Chinese New Year, but we usually reunite with all the family in my granny's house.

XD I can easily imagine Guntur eating the rest of the food everyone left, not only the mushrooms of Arya, XD when we eat together (my family or close friends), we eat what the other didn't like :v my sister don't like onions and mushrooms, and I HATE olives >___< Uu  and the fun part is that if we are no careful our father will "steal" a big bite :'v my poor dessert.

If i write something wrong sorry XD English is not my mother language.

Lol you're absolutely right, kidanshiro x'D

Guntur has no qualms about eating others' leftovers lol. Wasting food is not in his book because he has experienced true hunger :'3

and me too! When my family gathers, we would share food from the same plate sometimes~ my uncle would be the one with the hugest pile of food and would be the fastest to finish it x'D no one knows where all the food gone to lol. 

And no worries! your english is fine~ ^.^-