I've been intrigued by the premise of this story since I'm bipolar and have been hospitalized a few times. But two things in your game description make me very leery of playing it since you seem to have some very wrong ideas about mental illness. OCD and panic attacks (or as you say, panic disorder) are NOT reasons someone would be hospitalized. No doctor in their right mind would hospitalize someone just because of those diagnoses. PLEASE tell me you have written the patients as someone who actually knows something about mental illness and not just what you have heard and read on the internet and seen in movies and TV. Those of us with mental illnesses are VERY sensitive to how we're portrayed in popular entertainment (including games) BECAUSE so many people treat us according to what they THINK they know about mental illness, which is too often dead wrong and VERY misinformed.
So am I going to be insulted by your portrayal of the patients or am I going to have a positive experience? I'm hoping for the latter but in my experience too often it's the former. Just as an example, from watching things like Judge Judy all too many people think that because I'm bipolar I'm going to be very nice to them one minute and trying to kill them the next. That's not someone with bipolar disorder (which 99% of us would NEVER even THINK of hurting anyone else) but that IS a psychopath, which is something else entirely.
I'm quite honestly awaiting your reply because most people wouldn't even set a game or a story in a mental hospital (which in most hospitals is really no different than any other unit in the hospital, although in most hospitals it's simply called the psychiatric unit). So as I said at the beginning, your story synopsys has me very interested.