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When I download the MacOS zipfile and unpack in try to launch the application by rightclicking and choosing open. I get the included popup.

This is because the file "Sealed Bite" in Sealed folder doesn't have the executable bit set.

-rw-rw-r--@ 1 username  841819241  37580572 Nov 29 21:30 Sealed Bite

after setting it with chmod +x it works fine.

I can confirm the issue on macos 10.15.2. After chmod +x the Sealed Bite I could run it.

Extremely amazing game btw! I had lots of frustration and fun :D great ending!

Thanks also for reporting. It is weird as I'm am able to run it without having to change the permissions on my mac. Nevertheless, I am still using Mojave 10.14.6, which may explain the issue.