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1. My name is Miguel Pimentel, the words in bold are my answers. The words in italics are my teammate's. 

2. I joined, but I didn't participate. Hopefully, we can remedy that this time! I didn't participate last time, I joined because he told me to.

3. Yes! My favorites to this day are the Portal Series, but I grew up around video games. I always wanted to bring smiles to people the way video games did to me. This is a light foray into attempting to do just that. The idea for our game came about from a TTRPG that one of us runs. Final Fantasy 7 and Xyst MUSH are my favorites that also inspired me to try my hand at programming in the first place.

4. Not really, the closest I have is a Russian Roulette game that was text only. It very easily led to a bloodbath because I ran the 1-6 for each "player" which means the same round could take out every one. I played with Tiny MUSH, RenPy, Construct 2, and Twine, but I don't have any real experience.

5. I really, really enjoy programming. That, and video games. I enjoy writing and art.

6. Make a client / server connection, and make a final product.