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On my 2nd playthrough now and I have the feeling that I'll only have (Hannah: Discreet Inc) and the Blond who breaks up with that brody asshole. It seems as though 1 again I'll only have 2 girls in relationship status. Just came back from Belugia 1st time. All of the girls Trust me but only 3 or 5. Eldest Trust is only 2 but she seems to be more than friendly during our "sessions". Virgin blonde's Trust is 26. I was beginning to think that while we could have random trysts with the 7 or 8 peripheral girls, perhaps we could only have 2 of the Main Girls per playthrough. You say all 4 then I must be doing something Incredibly wrong. I LOVE the Back button. I've used it 500x or more. Test all of the girl's reactions and look at the -+Trust then Back if it drops. Still can't raise more than 5 except naive blondie.

The Girls are Incredibly FUCKING GORGEOUS. The males are imbeciles I spam the Skip to bypass. The graphics and scenes are PHENOMENAL. I don't care to waste my time with a bs waste of a project. Yours is SPECTACULAR, you deserve the Review of the Glowing. I always re-name every girl so I don't even know Your names for them so I can only describe their age or personality. Except the peripherals I Can't re-name of course. 


Apart from the trust and corruption points, there are some very early triggers to get into a relationship with them. Rachel (the redhead) is the first after a visit to the cinema, Liza is second after visiting a restaurant, Bella follows later (depending on whether you pursue her submissive or love route), as well as Susan (who has a route involving Discreet Inc. and a pure romance route).


I'm trying to earn Trust, Corruption and Romance/Pregnancy with all 4. I don't know what routes they are but I've played lots of VNs and usually you don't receive Corruption or Lust without Trust/Friendship. They don't allow themselves to Open Up thus you're Fucked (or Not). I'm trying to make myself as irresistible as possible. I may have accidentally downloaded a Censored version (lots of ass, pussy fucking lesbian and squirting) but a "roommate/landlady" feel as opposed to familial. Now I have the .23 and they're calling each other mother and sister. Rachel/Ariel (Little Mermaid 18+). Wonderful red hair. Started 3rd and Proper playthrough (Incest of course). Fucking Amazing Pervert(eer)!!! I'll have to financially re-imburse you when it becomes feasible.