I appreciate the criticism.
Sorry about the falling out of the map bit. I lost a ton of progress when I saved my project with no free space and everything got corrupted. I must have missed that putting the pieces back together.
I just put out a patch addressing the issue.
I'm not sure how I would implement vore in a way that wouldn't hinder the players progress outside of having some enemies that help you get to new areas or something like that which would be fun to add. I agree the beginning enemies are lacking. I started this project as a fun way to learn coding and those were the first ones I cobbled together. They aren't all that good honestly. If you went through the second level the slime enemy is more like how newer enemies would be. But long story short, yes they do suck lol.
I appreciate that! That's what I was hoping. I totally agree I swapped out font for the tutorial with the newer more legible font but I neglected to add it to the menus. I just swapped it out with the patch as well.
I hope you can give the second level a try! It's much more interesting. The tutorial isn't all that much fun and is from when I was very much still new to game making.