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(1 edit)

Ah, I see, Do you plan on adding certain stuff? i had a little problem where i chose the second team, or in a short way to say it i chose red, And i saw myself blue, making me extremely confused, i ended up shooting my own teammates and wondering why the other blues were shooting at me, that was very weird, is it a bug or something? i havent played stick soldiers so im not sure of how it was, although its name does sound familiar, i might have played it but i might not remember,Although, On a side note, Very fun game, The chaos makes up for it as its fun, although yes it is hard to know what is going on it is pretty fun, And that team thing happened on the 2D Version

Indeed, the player color seems to be a bug. Thanks for letting me know, I'll make sure to correct it.

Thanks again for the feedback!