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You can talk to the "npcs" by bumping with them. They give you hints. After that it's just a matter of very very very simple observation.

I actually wanted to make the trapping of the floating numbers more meaningful by doing them a bit more dangerous or something, but it ended up like that, you can just dodge them if they come close and such. I mean, making them chase you was easy, however I thought that maybe the scenario wasn't fit for dodging things that chase you or something, IDK.

Anyway, thanks! Also glad you liked the 5 minute production music, I just wanted to break the silence a bit hoping it wouldn't get jarringly repetitive, however I might do expand it later, it was quite ok the idea of the song, I think. :')

I did talk to the NPC's, that's how I knew that I needed to trap the numbers. So, once I had trapped the numbers and nothing happened, I didn't know what to do next.