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Haha. Great idea to only let the player move on the walls. Also quite a clever solution to remove the fire button and just spawn projectiles when bumbing into "walls".  Art and sound are great as well. 

There are just a couple of missed opportunities in my opinion: Being able to walk through doors when they are closed for example (and only when they're closed of course). And the vacuums take away a bit too much control in an already very confined space in my opinion. In general I wonder if there are enemy types that support the very confined space you're in a bit better... Not a super big deal, though. You got around that problem by making the walls a bit thicker here and there. :D

Your game has a good length and difficulty for a jam game in my opinion. Overall very well done and enjoyable to play. Nice, nice. :)

Thanks so much Jonas!!! It was an honor to participate in your jam. Thanks for the feedback, I actually had planned something with doors at some point but it got scrapped along the way.. I'm glad you enjoyed the game!