Hill Marks is a deceptively simple game that presents a hidden mystery among the pages. Make 10 symbols and their meaning then decide if you wish to pursue the mystery.
The game is presented as though it were a pamphlet informing you of the local geographic landmarks and instructs you on how to go about making your own symbols. You roll d66 and decide upon which to symbols you will combine, then create two meanings for the symbol.
After making 10 symbols you now have the ability to use them to create an oracle chart, which you can consult using the 1d10. Ask your question, roll for symbol.
However, the game also presents a mystery within the pages. Words are underlined, extra messages are abound, and a few extra tidbits clue you into a larger story. This is, however, completely optional, and players don't need to engage with it in order to play the game, though I would recommend using your oracle to explore it!
Here are my 10 symbols,
You can find my playthrough which has the meaning, questions and the answers HERE