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I did play the fixed version :)

Indeed, now I can finally get past that gap, heh. Wall jumping worked just fine for me.

Gamplay was smooth. I just wish that you could attack while in the air. I also think that the moving platform, even when fixed, doesn't really manage to 'grab' the player along with it, when moving in th y axis.

Finally, I think that for the bug 'Dead bugs will kill you', you should really put a sprite there. Perhaps a dead bug, a wormhome or a glitchy square, anything. It just feels weird and a bit unfair when you get killed by something invisible.

Still overall, the game lets itself play, and I did finish it. Congratulations ! :-)

(2 edits)

I wanted to do that... But I didn't have time and now I'm not allowed to change it (other than game-breaking bugs).

The invisible bugs still have shadow, though.

Also, thank you for putting up with this, and playing it nonetheless! It make me really happy! :)