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The ideas you listed were very thought out and could have more of a different approach to what developers were thinking. You listed a lot about having an island and obtaining stones and such. The game is called "Raft", not "Islands". Although I like how you indirectly incorporate islands as a "goal" for the player. If you were to keep the whole game set on a raft, you could have a lot more challenges then finding an island. Possibly attaching sails to go around traveling to different areas of the seas which have different types of enemies other than sharks. Stingray? Eels? Other than that, your suggestions were good. I like the idea about LAN, also the stone walls, but made out of metal (to actually have more of a use to metal). Your suggestion about the difficulty is nice, but I really don't think we need a copy of Minecraft Creative. I'd just stick with the Easy/Medium/Hard. Instead of just more/less sharks, maybe alter your hunger/thirst and attacking period of sharks.