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Hello and thanks for reaching out. I'm actually on MX Linux myself. This version of Evolpedal was made with Love2d, so there isn't an easy way to package it for Linux and have it run the same everywhere. The reason being, when linux users update their version of love, which is required to run it that way, it can break the game. Some user's repositories are old and others are newer and the changes to the framework can sometimes be dramatic enough to totally break the game. In linux, it'll just tell you that it was made for a different version of Love2d. The game should run just fine with WINE. When I distribute for windows, the .exe has a copy of the relevant framework version and dll libraries, so it's portable. It unfortunately doesn't work that easy for linux.

So, for the time being, if you just would like to run the game on your distro, download the .exe and rename it to .love. Then run

sudo apt-get install love (or the equivalent for your distro)

to install the framework. Then, you should be able to just click the .love file and play.

That said, if you know how to make an AppImage, or have an idea of how I can make a similar, portable linux app out of this, I would love some help with that!

The newer version of Evolpedal (a 3D remake) that I'm working on is with Urho3d, which will let me much more easily distribute cross-platform, even to android, which is cool. Plus it's way faster.