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So here I am again after trying this game out and writing a short comment a year ago. First off I will admit I did not give the game a proper chance the last time due to the infamous English translations, so dropped the game after the intro. But this time, I have completed everything on sandbox mode (I think). So here we go, a full review of the current game state (as of v0.2.2)

First off, I'll talk about the stuff users would be more interested in:

1. Plot is really good actually. One thing that I believe put off a lot of players is the confusing story at the start. For those of you who gave the game a go and are absolutely baffled, know that figuring out what the fuck happened at the beginning is a main plot point of the game. It is gradually revealed to us in breadcrumbs, and I think the author is doing a great job with this, the downside is it requires the players to be patient enough to get through quite a few quests to see this (which let's face it, most players aren't, including me a year ago xD )

2. Music is still fire. None of the usual copy-paste music we hear on many AVNs. I like that.

3.  Characters. Well designed, good amount of intrigue, and not falling for the protagonist in a stupidly short amount of time (bar two exceptions). 

4. Morgane.

5. Morgane, again.

6. Bugs, there are quite a few of them crawling around, but fortunately nothing that will ruin your day. But the author is fairly on top of any bug reports, especially on discord, so look to join it if you have feedback or bugs.

Now to address the cons/suggestions (may contain mild spoilers):

1. UI. Still as amazing as ever. It is clear a fair bit of effort has been put in here. Though I will recommend a few changes/additions. 

> 1a. Cost of apps. Buying apps are understandable, but £50 for a map? Lol. I understand from a gameplay perspective, but it felt weird paying that much for a simple utility that admittedly, we won't be using a whole lot since the manual navigation is pretty easy if not faster than opening the map. I would say maybe make the map accessible via the main UI rather than through opening the phone? Like how the inventory is. If the convenience is really worth it then it could justify the funny price tag.

> 1b.  Buying an app to access Skyrim inventory? Might make more sense to have an app for something like an online shop like Amazon or something to buy directly from. Otherwise, make some way for the inventory to be able to access the fridge and/or transfer between the two containers, because ultimately all I find myself using is the fridge at home, or the coffee machine at school, or just waiting the next day.

> 1c. The map. Its not a problem after playing the game and using the map for a while, but I think it could be worth putting a silhouette over accessible areas. Even without hovering the mouse over them. As we do not directly receive a notification what becomes accessible and when.

2. Although the music is good, transition at times can be too rapid. What I mean by this is, going from a sex scene to post-sex the music can change rather quickly.  For example, in Nora's scene during the BJ the music was loud, and after ejaculation it just went quiet all of a sudden. If you wanted to transition to the next song, rather than just cutting it off, might be worth lowering the volume of the first song instead. Silence can be pretty loud after all, with or without sex.

3. The colouring has improved, as I nitpicked in my comment the last time, bright bits aren't too bright now. Only time I will say is a bit difficult to view, is the flashbacks. Having dark backdrops and the clouded effect makes sense, but visually it can be tricky to see what exactly the protagonist is seeing.

4. Animations. Its great that we have them but they do look a little bit clunky. Textures, characters and positions are good, just the actual moving aspect. But not too big a concern, this improvement should come as you work on the game further. One of my favourite AVNs (my very first too!) from the author of the AVN giant Eternum, Once in a Lifetime, also started with clunky animations. They also improved drastically over time. Not nitpicking seeing as this is your first AVN (I think?), but just pointing this out to remind you there's always room for improvement :)

5. Suggestion: Character list? Might be worth for returning players after new updates to see who's who. For those with the memory capacity of a goldfish like mine. Could either create it as a new app or integrate it into the quest list, just that this means instead of closing quests the way you currently do, you now have to add "there are no more quests left for this character this update" to every quest tab to keep them open.

 6. Not very important atm, but down the lane, make use of call/message function? Or at least keep the message log/history to make it feel more like an actual messaging app. Not a big priority but oh well, why not?

7. I assume there is more to come down the lane in future updates, but currently there is a lot of explorable areas in commercial district for example, with nothing to do in them. Maybe have repeatable actions in some of them for sandbox mode. Or get us to that clothes shop :)

8. Finally, the big one. I know this has been a source of headache for awhile now but I think it will continue to be the biggest thorn on your side until remedied. English proofreading. There has been significant improvement since the early days of machine translating, but playing through v0.2.2 there still is quite a few awkward grammatical/spelling mistakes. I read from your discord that you have hired someone to cover this. Which is good. And I hope that as of the 0.2.2 release they are still in the process of fixing errors in the previous updates. Because some bits are written pretty well, others not so much.  Remember, you're paying them, whip them if you have to if they're not already working on it. I can try to point out stuff on discord when I can, but I'll wait for the next few updates to see how that goes.

9. Morgane. Nothing wrong with her, the only con is that she's not yet wife.

And there we have it. Great game overall @VitaYok, definitely looking forward to what's to come. And just maaaybe, you might have tempted this AVN veteran to finally create a patreon account to support the hard work going on out there, when I get my paycheck end of the month


Wow, thank you so much, buddy. I really appreciate your time, and you spent quite a bit of it writing all of that.

It was a pleasure to read your message, as it’s not every day you get such constructive criticism.

Overall, I completely agree with you, and everything you mentioned will be added—it’s already planned. The clothing store, the character information tab, and everything else. The only problem is time, or rather, the lack of it (earning a living can’t be ignored).

Yes, the translation is a painful topic for me because I can’t do much about it. The proofreader only worked on version 0.1, and I haven’t saved up enough for more yet. Basically, everything the project brings in goes back into it.

I’m glad you liked it, as I understand the game isn’t for everyone.

Take care, and I’ll see you in future patches!


So glad you posted all of that, because I am on my second in-game week, been playing for 3 hours, and so far the game has been a headache for me. I WANT TO like it, but it is fighting me the whole way. Rather than make an entirely new post, I'm just going to add to yours since you said a lot of what I  had planned to.

The Engrish is bad, as you said, making more than just the beginning confusing. But to me it is the UI you said was good that truly needs work. Sometimes it is stairs that makes you go back a screen. Sometimes it is an on-screen text saying "back" with or without an arrow attached, and sometimes there is an arrow that looks like it is the same arrow as "back" but brings you to an entirely new screen. It is all over the place. And yes, definitely needs highlighting.

Also, what are the bars in a circle for on the map screen? Some are red and some grey but the tutorial never even mentions them. They showed up when I unlocked the electronic area and Japan town, and more keep appearing, cluttering the screen even when only the school is able to be visited.

I'll add some bugs you missed pointing out and some things that may not be bugs:

First, the GPA score in class. No matter whether I talk to a student or just focus on my lesson, the GPA is constantly dropping, with me only seeing it increase one point one time despite going to class twice a day. And no, I do not naps or take bathroom trips.

Secondly, the supermarket. Every time I enter, I cannot leave without the game forcing me to make a purchase. It legit says "You haven't bought anything yet" and I have to buy a bottle of water and check out to change screens. Infuriating and costs money I lack.

Likewise, I make food after school and get stuck having to watch as I lose favor with my roommate because it forces me to talk to her and turn her down. So, every day I can be certain I am going backward in progressing with her. Joy.

The computer: The entire UI for it is annoying to me. If you open anything, like the internet or dossier, you have to close the computer then log back into it to do anything else. That's the equivalency of turning off and then back on a tv every time you need to change the channel.

You mentioned everything else I was going to say, so it just adds to your post. 


Hi, my friend. Thanks for sharing your opinion—it means a lot to me.

I just want to point out that the game is still in development, and everything you mentioned will be reworked, probably more than once. This already happened with the staircase, and it will happen with other elements too.

The relationship with Lily is complicated, and you’ll need to finish her questline to progress in the kitchen.

The GPA decreases by 2 points every day, which is intentional. In the future, I’ll add a way to buy GPA—it’s already in progress.

I haven’t touched the supermarket since the very beginning of development, and you’re absolutely right—it needs work. You’re actually the first to point this out, so I’ll make sure to look into it.

As for the in-game computer, there’s no need to re-enter it. You just need to close the app using the “X” in the browser. It’s pretty straightforward, but fair enough.

Overall, the game doesn’t force you to play it. If there are issues, they’ll be addressed—it’s a work in progress, and like any game, it has its flaws, especially one created by a single person.

Good luck to you! If you have any questions, feel free to find me on Discord—I’ll be happy to help you there.


It's a good game, so far, don't misunderstand. Just saying the things that needed attention. I'm used to the whole development thing. It's just the beginning seems overwhelmingly one-sided and difficult with no breathing room.

Glad to hear everything is already being worked on for the aforementioned issues.  The X doesn't seem to be working for me for some reason on the in-game computer, which is why I had to keep closing it out using the windows logo. I'm playing on a windows 11 laptop that doesn't have a graphics card, technically, so it may be an issue on my end in that case?

So, the GPA goes up one point every time you pay attention to a lesson but lowers 2 points a day? That makes no sense, because that would keep it the same. However, I just went from a GPA of 24 and paid attention to the lesson then was at 23, got the scene where they went to to library while the teacher was away and the MC said he had no clue what he was doing, and then the next day my GPA was at 17. Is that drastic decline due to the scene from him failing to understand the lesson, or was that a bug, then?

(1 edit) (+1)

Thanks. I always take constructive criticism seriously, and what you’re saying makes perfect sense.

No, it all depends on how much time you spend focusing on the lessons. For example, if you miss the first lesson, your GPA will drop by 1 point—for the first hour. But if you start by clicking “focus on the lesson” right away, you’ll gain +3 points, and so on. Actually, once you finish all the dialogues with the characters, your GPA points will only go up. Players who’ve been playing for a while will tell you they have plenty of GPA points.

After the weekend, if you haven’t done your homework, your GPA will drop by -5 points. That’s a lot, and I’m trying to balance it out by adding a “study in the library” feature—but everything takes time, and it’s in progress.

Isaac will definitely crush you with the GPA system—I know it’s a problem, and I’m working on a solution.

I’m not sure what’s going on with Windows 11, but I need to figure out if it’s an issue. Either the button is too small, or maybe you just don’t see it. Honestly, it’s pretty interesting to look into.


How do you do homework, then? Because I am going to classes twice a day, not talking to anyone, and only paying attention to lessons, yet I keep getting a lower and lower average. The library doesn't offer me anything to click as of yet.

It’s kind of strange to hear that GPA points are decreasing. For homework, you first need to open the app on the in-game PC. You’ll get a message on the in-game mail with the program you need to click on.

There are two ways to complete homework: either on your own PC if it’s already fixed, or on the one in the library.

Honestly, I wouldn’t recommend stressing about GPA too much. At the moment, it doesn’t really affect anything except for Milla’s and Isaac’s quests. So once you finish those quests, just forget about it and focus on participating in lessons—that’ll be enough.


Ah, I saw I needed a GPA of 40 for the brunette with the glasses to progress, so I've been stressing over it because she is the chick I find the most attractive. Thank you for the assistance.