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(2 edits)

'Awesome to see progress to this cool project!

Will there be a MacOS and maybe even Linux Version available, too?

I've seen it's fairly easy to export Games in Unity to either Platform, so it'd be just logical and future-proof, if you'd offer it for all of them, too.

If you don't develop on Mac, the Mac-Versions exported from Windows-Dev-Platforms just need a slight setting of the "Execution Bit" under MacOS, because Windows doesn't "know", that MacOS .app-Files are executables and in turn doesn't mark them as such.

But that's easily fixed:

Anyway, this might not even be an issue, since you've already deployed a working MacOS Demo about a year ago (the first Demo).

Yet, it might be interesting to know for other Developers or people who run into this problem with other Games then. <3

Thank you very much Samapatti, you helped us a lot.