thanks for giving this rough demo a try! Much appreciated :)
Can you give me some more insights about what was it, that made it so hard for you?
Also: did you use a wireless keyboard?
This demo is pretty old by now, so I'm very looking forward for people to test the new version(s)!
Just quickly tried it on my phone with touch controls. It was the 2nd fuse to use the spring platform and the double jump to get up to the platform. I'm getting old! Once I figured that out I could double jump about fine. But I think the touch controls didn't help much! Will give it a try using a keyboard, and on hardware too.
Hey - played it on a GB and I was a lot better at timing the double jumps!! Got a lot further.
Would be good to see a progress bar or similar to know you had collected enough fuses maybe? Wasn't sure on what constituted winning, other than frantically jumping for fuse after fuse, lol!
Good demo though, and the anxiety driven timer is a good mechanic to go with. Maybe just some visual feedback of any 'progress' like mentioned above?
Keep up the good work!
absolutely! There will be lots of improvements in mechanics as well as visuals (especially UI, as you mentioned). This demo is really just a concept alpha to see if the core gameplay mechanic is fun and makes sense :)
Now the polishing will take place!
Appreciate your feedback! Helpful and constructive, just as I love it <3