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Watching the development of this, I was very excited to finally play. I took some notes while playing that may be useful in the next iteration:
-It's a rave! It's bumping. It's got great atmosphere
-Thank you for putting settings that are easy to use in the main menu
-Info panel is a little overwhelming. Would prefer to be spoon fed the info rather than all at once
-It's fast! Maybe a little too fast... Once you start, you have like 2 seconds to get your bearings and then you are being shot at. Maybe if there was some sort of extended safety at the start with a message that the round would start. Once you play more than once, you get the idea and can just dive in.
-Gun has a good feel too it. Why not leave it always on? Or put in some kind of reload / burnout to add some more interactivity to it
-Jet pack gives a lot of air control and is quite fun to play with.
-Sensitivity control mapping is counter intuitive... Which + / - is it? the one on the numpad or othe number row? Unusual mapping... I'd prefer an escape menu in game, though i will admit being able to change settings during gameplay is nice for fast feedback.
-Collisions with close floaters sometimes do not hit
-GREAT map design. Level is awesome. Would love to see more levels. Lots of corners ' angles, platforms. Love how the speakers are alive and bump to the rhythm of the music. It's pretty great.
-Would be nice to have some guardrails on some of the catwalks. Even if just on one side, so you can focus more on the shooting, and less on balancing