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i cant seem to download the game its not set to be for windows help


Hmmm...I have no troubles downloading the game. I'm not sure what seems to be the problem, but you can try downloading from this website instead:

allrit so i downloaded the zip unzipped it tried to run the rpg.rt.exe and it said error rpg maker not found

You need to download and install the Runtime package first.

You should click Game.exe. There is no rpg.rt.exe file in the download. You don't need to download the Runtime package (RTP) since the game was exported with everything included.

ah thank you for updating it i was able to download it thought the itch app and try it out im gonna write a review very wonderful grafics and art direction <3


I'm so glad you were able to download it! I noticed that I didn't put 'Windows' until now, sorry! Looking forward to the review!