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(3 edits)


Level 1: House

  • The right hand is always the answer. ALWAYS.

Level 2: Dungeon

  • Once you're inside a cell, place your cursor over the door. Mouse over detection doesn't seem to work when your cursor is already where the door should be before the slide transitions. Simply place the cursor away from the door and back to trigger mouse over detection.
  • Before and after the warden's gaze occurs, there is a short window of time when you can move.
  • Have you tried keeping the warden's eye closed?

Level 3: Caves

  • The shadow entities' movements are mostly predictable.

Final Boss

  • Click on the talisman to start. Approach the boss only when they appear vulnerable.



Level 1: House

  • Click the door with the right hand print. If you've made a wrong turn, return to the living room and try again.
  • Click the boss' right hand.

Level 2: Dungeon

  • When a guard approaches, click on either the left or right door. Once inside the cell, keep your cursor over the door until the guard leaves. Click the door to return outside.
  • Don't move the cursor or click when the screen turns red.
  • When the boss' eye is closed, place your cursor over it until the boss is defeated.

Level 3: Caves

  • Stay either at the edge or near the center of the screen depending on where the shadows are coming from.
  • On the second big chamber, there are safe spots between the shadow cultists: between their heads (easy) and between their lower body (tricky).
  • The boss' movements repeat every ~16 seconds. If you can't catch it, wait for it at a spot where it should appear.

Final Boss:

  • Good luck!
  • If you're stuck here but want to see the ending check the hacks below.



Final Boss:

  • Hands: After you click the talisman, stop moving the cursor until it disappears. Click on the hand when the red glow disappears.
  • Brain and Heart: After you click the talisman, switch to another window and place your cursor where the boss should be. Switch back and click on the boss.