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(1 edit)

This looks great, but unfortunately I couldn't type the lines of code (using PPT 2016) and thus could not progress further.
After opening directly in PPT and enabling content it worked great. Good story, really nice graphics; Enjoyed the overall look and feel of the experience. I have to say I got stuck on one code entry because I kept reading "unit" as "uint", but I much preferred these sections over the mouse maze puzzles. I especially liked the sound and OS design. Good job there too :)
Only thing I saw that didn't work was the 'roll credits' button. It seems to be missing a link to the credits slide.

(1 edit)

Have you tried clicking on the textboxes before you enter the code? 

Glad you liked it ^_^ Also, sorry for the credits part not working, I was in a bit of a rush for that part.