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i cant pass the tutorial this game is a bit too hard i just wish i could progres

(1 edit)

Since you seem to have missed the response on the Discord, during the part in the tutorial that teaches you to dash, you're supposed to dash in the air to cross the gap.

thats what i did but the game didnt let me jump high enough i tried so many times nothing worked jump dash dash is the combo right? well i kept falling down

Just once is enough. Dash at the height of your jump. If you're still having trouble, you can see me doing it at 0:20 of this video.

why counlt i jump that high thats unfair


Can you show a video of what's happening? You wont get a high jump if you dash too early, but if you can't get that high even without dashing at all, something's gone wrong.

ohhhhh i downloaded the game again and somehow magicaly this time it worked hmm thank you im glad i can properly play the game now


What a bizarre bug. Sorry for the inconvenience.

its ok im glad its not bothering me anymore also i might have been using the controlls wrongly in my first run