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thats what i did but the game didnt let me jump high enough i tried so many times nothing worked jump dash dash is the combo right? well i kept falling down

Just once is enough. Dash at the height of your jump. If you're still having trouble, you can see me doing it at 0:20 of this video.

why counlt i jump that high thats unfair


Can you show a video of what's happening? You wont get a high jump if you dash too early, but if you can't get that high even without dashing at all, something's gone wrong.

ohhhhh i downloaded the game again and somehow magicaly this time it worked hmm thank you im glad i can properly play the game now


What a bizarre bug. Sorry for the inconvenience.

its ok im glad its not bothering me anymore also i might have been using the controlls wrongly in my first run