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Hello! It is I, the woman who only seems to upload videos of outdated footage of your game! I played it again in September before the latest update after I was told how to actually grow into a giantess in my YouTube comments. (I just took a long time to get around to editing the footage whoops) I have a part 4 coming from this same gameplay session in a few days as well. See in a few months when I upload what will then be outdated footage of the current build <3 


Hi! :) Haha no worries. I wasnt happy with the last build so it is completely rebuilt now. Glad you got some content for your channel out of it! Also love the thumbnail :D 

At least I always seem to have more of the game to look forward to! I'n glad you keep working on it. Thanks for the thumbnail compliment, if you've completely rebuild it again I'll have to update it a little when I upload videos of the latest build!


Part 4~ 
See you again after I play the latest update!