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dose anyone know where you find the Corrupted Lake

In the quest line for the lizard people you need to get an item from the witch which is the torso of the lizard statue so you need to talk to her and she asks for an egg of a lizardperson and you unlock it by exploring the forgotten temple after you have the quest.

i did talk to her about a gate but all I said was there still some missing pieces for the lizard statue do i need to find more pieces before I to talk to her and she asks for an egg of a lizardperson, beasuse do not see any quest like that do I have to start over my game?

wait was it at day or night you did this?

it was in the day when I talk about the statue.

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how many pieces do you have? The head yet or do you need that too?

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I just had the head and the tail.

So did you get her day quest for the egg?

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yeah I didn't get that quest so maybe I need to start a new game right ?

hmm i wouldnt go that far yet... have you done the quests for the priestess