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(1 edit) (+1)

i like the artstyle, especially the spites, they are very detailed and wll-drawn. interesting music choice

great lore. meaninful choices, morality system and some character customisation. The story takes place in dystopian, violent, brutal world but most people are not evil and it possible to survive. plot is good, too.

interesting characters. Arael is my favourite. So cute, and pure and good. i chose to be good and  I hope all angels will like my company

I'm waiting for next chapters :D

we’re so grateful you are liking our game, we put a lot of effort in it, even if there’s still a lot to improve.

We are sure if you chose to be coherent everything will be fine with the angels, specially with Arael. She’s all innocence and purity.

In a few days (if everything goes fine) there’ll be a new chapter >_<

Thank you for supporting us!!