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Original idea in a polished format — good story, fluent mechanics, beautiful transitions and animations. You also nailed the overall atmosphere and the dot mechanics. They are very intuitive.

There should be more checkpoints, maybe after every sentence.
There is a small typo after the predators: "Use the tots."
It would be more comfortable to hit space to continue instead of enter because my finger is already over that key anyways.
I, up, down, and push mechanics are fun, maybe you should add more like these.
The difficulty curve is a little bit jagged, especially in the end.

To summarize, this was a pleasant experience. Good job!

Thank you for the kind words.

Agree on the checkpoints and difficulty curve being off. Ran out of time getting everything finished. I'll fix that up after the judging when I can update. 

Space was the next level key but it kept throwing the dot at the start of the next level which was bugging me. Changing the key was a last minute "fix" that was really more of a "don't look at the problem right now" LOL.