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Thank you for the update. You are working very hard, and we all can definitely acknowledge the amazing efforts you are putting into the game. Take all the time you need. You're awesome; and the game I know will be incredible when it gets released. No need to rush. The first game was a masterpiece, and I am sure the second will equally be  a masterpiece! Keep up the amazing work! 

Also, an early Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Ahh, thank you--I really appreciate your patience and understanding on the matter. I truly do want this to be the best experience possible right from the get-go, so want to avoid taking any shortcuts or rushing any sloppy products out. I understand that the wait has been long--and possibly painful--but I'm incredibly proud of what I have so far, and think the full game will really be worth it!

And a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well!

(1 edit)

Does this mean we won't be getting that big Christmas preview?