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*pass you a box of tissue* 
Yes, it was sad and unfortunate for both Kaiden and Gale :') They're like us; both of them has a story to tell and both of them are just trying to find their happiness--I have so much I want to convey through the two of them, so it makes me really happy to see you pay attention to the smallest detail! >///<

Yes, Gale is a quietly petty person lol. That's the perfect word to describe him x'D
And you guessed their hobbies already, but I'll explain more! Kaiden has fondness for music because amidst his busy training, trying to win the nobles' favor, the audience with the King, and schedule as the captain of the 7th Knight Division... the only entertainment he finds & enjoys is listening to Hototo's/a bard's music. It gives him a moment of peace and makes him forget his problems. The stories told by bards are also interesting to listen to.

As for Gale, he's naturally good at drawing (example: him drawing Kaiden facing the dragon). But he's not particularly passionate about it.
He draws because sometimes, he will need to make a report about what kind of new creatures they encountered to the King during their patrols (as the legend said, it's a sanctuary so new creatures would pop up now and then. The purpose of the report is for documentary and to decide whether the new creature is a threat or not) or when there's a thievery, he's the one who will make a sketch of the suspect's face. So yes, drawing is more out of necessity than passion. He has a talent for it, but Gale doesn't believe it's good enough to make a living with it.

As for teasing, once they get to know a person better. Kaiden and Gale will be fine with both receiving and giving. They had their fair share of teasings from Sir Marco and Vivian. You get the gist with Sir Marco, the woeful father who is 'abandoned' by his boys once they grew up. As for Vivian... well... if the scene in the hot spring is not enough hint. Here's a bonus scene I just thought up from a short video I watched on YT that reminded me of Vivian: When Kaiden & Gale were changing their clothes in the soldiers quarters, they heard a shout: "SHUT THE DOOR, THERE'S A FEMALE PERVERT!" and they saw a glimpse of a redhead, before the soldiers slammed the door. She's a pervert and her teasings are very bold so yeah, they're not innocent lol, they're actually quite immune by now and found blushing girls quite amusing since they're used to Vivian's boldness.

Your last question is a tough one though :'D
In the event that they both have feelings for the same person, they will definitely compete fair and square. But Kaiden will be more active than Gale in the matter of pursuing, because Gale believes Kaiden to be a better choice than him. While they have similar backgrounds, Gale is not confident in his looks because he once heard people describe him as 'gloomy' and 'Kaiden's shadow'.

Both of them will be loyal to their partners though, so I'm afraid polyamorous is not an option ^^; not to mention they consider themselves as brothers and there's an unspoken rule about not touching your brother's woman. They will not share their partners. Period.

In the case they compete and one of them loses, the losing one will back out and take some time to sort out their feelings. They will need some space, but the brothers' bond is stronger than anything else and what matters is the person they love is happy. At the very least, they'll know their loved one will be taken care of, after all, who knows their brother better than themselves?

I hope it helps! ^.^)/

I did guess that it wouldn't work as easily as I'd hoped, polyamory requires a lot of trust and communication, and with their past I  know that's definitely not gonna come naturally to them, still, it gave me a lot to think about so thank you for answering even though it was tricky LOL

It's not exactly fic related, but I was wondering if you'd be able to tell me how Kai and Gale view the rest of the cast? Just the other three guys and Maya, really, because we didn't get to see much of their real thoughts until the end, when things were already really bad LOL

But I'm curious about what they thought about them during earlier scenes, like in the harpy woods when they were hanging out together a little more often. I know Kha'lil's antics annoyed Gale LOL and he would fight with Arya often, but in a different setting I wonder how they would interact?

Arya is probably too blunt for some, but I think they might actually appreciate that he's so honest? Gale bickered with him a LOT, but it seems like they might have gotten along in other instances where they aren't directly pitted against each other. That might be me projecting though, because I find people like Arya easy to trust LOL I know Kaiden is probably suspicious of them no matter what, since we never really got to start pulling his layers back and getting to know him, but I wonder if they had qualities that he might have admired otherwise? 

Like how Gale would quietly try to help Maya, even though it went against his best interests, they do so many little things that just make me wanna know so badly how they really felt in those situations LOL I know so much of it was an act, the fact that I can't tell if all of it was an act is what makes me so curious.

I'm just so fascinated, I really fell in love with these characters there's too much I want to know LOL it might not look like it, but I am trying to pace myself. 

It's mostly unrelated, but I actually did have a couple questions about Gale's prosthetic too. I think it was really such a cool idea and it's been so fun to write about. 

How does he feel about it, though? As in, is he ashamed or embarrassed about it, or does he accept it as a part of himself? Is he able to do anything interesting with it? I don't know as much about how his magic works compared to Kai, other than he's basically a compass LOL I loved that. 

Would he be uncomfortable with someone he trusts touching it? Or does he not even think twice about it?

And actually, on a similar thought, I know you said Kaiden likes skinship, but does it hurt him since he has so many unhealed wounds on his body? Is it that he likes the warmth more than he cares about the pain? Or have those wounds gone numb over time, even if they haven't healed?

I promise after this I'm done for the've given me so much to think about and I can't wait to start writing LOL I'm at like, 115k words so far and I'm not even out of the autumn village arc yet 😭this is actually gonna be the longest fic I've ever written, it's been so much fun I'm so in love with the world you created, I honestly cannot gush about it enough.

Oh in a different, peaceful setting where the betrayal didn't happen, Kaiden and Gale will still be wary of new people but not as much. 
They will definitely see Guntur as a threat though x'D he has a big built and Gale won't feel confident enough to be able to seize him alone if something were to happen. And you're right! While Arya will have much to argue and fight often with them, his straigtforwardness will be seen positively. I mean, they'd rather you talk bad to their faces rather on their backs. Kahlil, on the other hand, the first impression will be that he's annoying at first but grows on you as time passes. 

Interactions between the men will be limited though, since Gale & Kaiden still have their jobs to patrol the area & they will also be absent sometimes if the King sent them on a mission or if they want to visit other villages and do the odd jobs there. They might encounter often in the hot springs though. It's the only place where you can relax and honestly, the soldiers like that place very much. Nothing like a hot spring loosening your tense muscles after a training or two. Oh and let's not forget the Bar! 

The qualities Kaiden & Gale value the most will be: Honesty, Hardwork, and Don't talk bad about the soldiers or Sir Marco in any way. They'll appreciate you more if you help with the odd jobs though. When people work together, you'll find out people's characters/habits when encountering a problem and see how they try to solve them.

About Gale's prosthetic and Kaiden's scars... Gale won't mind you touching it, since it's very sturdy and he can make a new one if smth happens to it. He likes how practical it is and accepts it as a part of himself. It's a shame that he can't feel anything though, so if you touch his protestic arm, he will feel nothing. But the shoulder is another matter. The place where his arm got cut off is discolored and very sensitive. He don't want anyone to touch it unless it's absolutely necessary.

Kaiden's scars will not exist if it's a more peaceful setting and the Spring Village still stands. But if the scars are present, then yes, he will be numb to the pain already and unconciously, he will seek warmth because his body is as cold as ice. After all, his heart already stopped for a long time. 

And no problem at all! Feel free to ask because my goodness, 115k words already? O_O; 
I look forward to read it <3