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Just finished playing this game and my gosh, I LOVED IT! It deals with very heavy topics, but it does so with such grace- yet it weighs. You feel Yumeko's pain all through the game.


First I decided to say everything The Doctor would want to hear, but then accepted that life... and god, it hit. It feels so close to what I've heard abuse victims go through. They have nowhere else to go, no job, no support system, they only have their partner... And that's terrifying. I'm so amazed at how the story of an AI woman, born from code, still can connect so much to humans, turned to robots to survive.

Then I got "The Woman" ending, and I kinda liked that small moment she had where she acknowledged how it's not just him that's the problem- he was created too by the world he lives in, the people he surrounds himself with, but that doesn't take away the harm he's done.

Lastly I got "The Statue" and it hurt everytime her choices got removed, seeing how she started to change shape (good job on the horror elements, too!) I kept sharing with my friends being like "NOOOOO" everytime she changed. It was so sad how she had no more options anymore...

All in all, this game is absolutely beautiful, from the art, to the script and the sound. The choice to have different voice actresses in narration was actually so powerful. At first I didn't get it, until I saw the differences in the endings... and wow, it's so good with them representing different parts, or roles. I loved this game!

DGDFGDFG FLOR, thank you so much for playing and commenting 😭 gosh your review is so kind and thoughtful, thank you so much 😭😭😭 I am not deserving 🥺 


AHHH I'M SO GLAD that it managed to resonate/hit the right notes! I really wanted to create that abuse parallel - where, after having a life and existence "crafted" by the Doctor, Yumeko has nowhere to go except him. To him, he's made a fairytale life for her, but for her, it's a prison - and it's utterly terrifying. And I'm really glad that you found the connections between Yumeko and humans, despite her  being an AI. I have felt "robotic" in my own experience - pressured to give the "right" answer even if it isn't the answer that I want to give.

Ohh and I'm so happy that you enjoyed that moment in the Woman ending! It was one of my favorite lines of the script. While I didn't want to linger too much on making the player sympathetic towards the Doctor, I did want to acknowledge that his character is not entirely his own fault - that he has also been "chipped away" by society. But at the same time understanding doesn't have to mean forgiveness - and Yumeko can prioritize herself and her freedom, rather than trying to fix him. 

YOU SHARED IT WITH YOUR FRIENDS I'm so touched by that for some reason 😭 That progressive feeling of sadness as your choices are taken from you was exactly what I wanted to convey.

OH and I'm so happy that you liked the choice of different VAs for the narration 🥹 part of it was, of course, a logistical concern (I didn't want to pressure one VA with ALL the narration lines, particularly for a volunteer project), but I also wanted to have different narrators, of different ages and backgrounds, to convey the shifting feelings and endings!

GOSH I am so flabbergasted by this comment, you're too sweet 😭😭😭 I truly don't deserve such kindness, thank you so much for taking the time!! 


AWW! The fact that my review made you happy makes ME so happy too!!! 


I think you did amazing with the parallels, they really work. There was a part in "The Statue" ending about the choices being programmed out of her that just... feels so raw. To know that you have based at least some of this on your own experience is huge and I hope you're in a better place currently ❤️

Yeah! I absolutely got that in that scene, I think you did the narrative so well! And of course I shared with friends, I love liveblogging when I play hehe, I kept saying how cool the game is and sending screenshots everytime I had a strong reaction haha! Sharing the game with my friends makes it ever more enjoyable >:3 (By the way they think it's very pretty)

That feeling when logistical decisions make the final product even better is so amazing ngl, I love that! Creativity truly is born from limitation sometimes!

And shush! You do deserve my kindness and more! You did an amazing job Chat! I hope you know that!!! ❤️