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It will always be a pleasure to express my admiration towards OL! 

Yesterday I found this song called The Reason I Wanted To Die by Mika Nakashima i know, it sounds really sad and it kinda is but hear me out and some verses (such as the ones about the seagulls, the waves and even the one about an apricot tree) reminded me of the games, as well as bringing me some questions. It is said in some part of the demo, right before we set our relationship with Cove if I'm not mistaken, that the player is not able to like him less – that's what's bugging me a little but in a good way. Is there a possibility of them (MC and Cove) drifting apart?

I'm sorry, let me explain my train of thought. Let's imagine a route where MC and Cove are childhood friends, cute little pair, but as the years go by they become more distant to each other — change of mindsets or circle of friends, interests, etc — until their friendship is not as strong as a few years back. What happens next would be up to the player when the next relationship set screen appears: their relationship could stay the way it is or be back to the buddy-buddy stuff maybe then the crush option?

I'm not sure if my explanation is good, does it makes any sense? 

Anyway, is not something that needs to be answered if it conflicts with any plan made for the game.

i feel like an annoying fangirl right now omg, im sorry 


That is definitely a neat idea! Though I'm afraid it'd make the writing and programming a bit too large of a task for our team to handle. Adding a totally new dynamic type is something we could only consider after the game is done. If OL is received well and people are still wanting more content after all the DLCs come out, maybe we could consider expanding the Relationship Dynamic screen options.

I appreciate all the thoughts you have on the game and I'll be sure to check out the song you mentioned :D